Swift Post lets website administrators easily turn standard posts into powerful sponsored and branded advertising.
Последние изменения
December 1, 2016
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Swift Post is a lightning fast plugin backed by a powerful ad server, making it so you can take any standard post in your feed and set dynamic controls on how it behaves. No added stress and no latency issues to your website. Plus, you’ll now have sophisticated third-party reporting and analytics that helps you make decisions you need to with new and stronger confidence.

For example, do you have a high preforming post you would like to show again? Push the button and it’s back on the top of the feed for however many impressions you would like. If you have the same people visiting your site many times a day, simply set frequency capping which will limit how many times any given user will see that post. You can even set run dates, geotargeting, and a cap on the total impressions that post will serve for. It’s still there, it just behaves however you want because now you have more control.

With Swift Post you can turn any post into sponsored, targeted advertising capable of displaying at the top of your post list on command. In fact, it gives you the ability to display where ever you wish with the use of a convenient shortcode. Swift Post is much more than just a sticky post, a Swift Post is:

  • Geotargeting Swift Post makes it possible for you to run regionally targeted campaigns, delivering geographically relevant sponsored content that caters to local tastes.

  • Able to limit by date range & and total impressions Swift Post lets you set a date range you want the post to serve in and the maximum number of impressions. Truly powerful content.

  • Frequency Capping This is a fancy word that means Swift Post gives you the ability to limit how often a post is seen at the top of your feed, or in the location of your choosing, by any given visitor.

  • Tacked for impressions and clicks Every Swift Post is tracked with unparalleled accuracy for impressions and clicks. Now you can see how many times a post in your feed was clicked on or viewed.

  • Split Testing Now, with Swift Post, you can split test anything (also known as A/B testing) in order to gauge the performance of one post against another. Start maximizing the performance of your sponsored content today and find out what headlines, what messages best resonate with your visitors.

With Swift Post you get all the features you would expect from a powerful ad server right here in WordPress. Swift Post gives you the ability to sell, manage and measure on any kind of sponsored content.

Our intuitive interface makes it super easy to setup a post, preview the post before it goes live and gather metrics on how it’s serving. Swift Post is everything you hoped post management would be.

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