
Surbma | Yoast SEO Breadcrumb Shortcode

Простой шорткод для включения функции «хлебных крошек» Yoast's везде на вашем веб-сайте WordPress.
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April 8, 2023
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Surbma | Yoast SEO Breadcrumb Shortcode

A simple shortcode to include Yoast SEO’s breadcrumb function everywhere on your WordPress website. You have to install and activate the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin and enable breadcrumb option to use this shortcode.

With this shortcode you can put Yoast’s fantastic breadcrumb feature manually into every post and page or even into custom post types. If your theme supports it, you can use this shortcode in your widget areas with the Text widget.

Шорткод: [yoast-breadcrumb]

There are two parameters for this shortcode:

  1. before — The code that your breadcrumb should be prefixed with. Default value: <div class="breadcrumb" itemprop="breadcrumb">
  2. after — The code that should be added on the back of your breadcrumb. Default value: </div>

You can read more informations about Yoast’s breadcrumb function here: Yoast Breadcrumbs – WordPress Breadcrumbs

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