
Secret Image Slide and Tune

Enter the secret code in the proper sequence to set off an image that will slide across your browser screen along with the tune of your favorite sound …
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September 8, 2021
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Secret Image Slide and Tune

Trigger an image to slide across your browser screen to your desired tune by entering the correct secret code on your keyboard.

You could keep this easter egg a secret and let users find out about this hidden gem on their own, or you could prank someone’s computer by turning their volume all the way up and ask them to enter in the code.

The choice is yours!

Accepted image types: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG Accepted tune types: .MP3


  • Thank you Zurb, for showing me that no matter how dull and boring web development may seem, it’s the little joys in life that uhh….find a way. ;D
  • Thanks to my family for pushing me to do more, to be more, and to achieve more.
  • And here’s to you, WordPress Users, for installing my plugin. I hope you like it.


Artwork by Candice Allen

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