
Search Star Wars Stuff

Search for information on Star Wars Characters,ships,vehicles,planets,species, and the films from episodes 1-6.
Последние изменения
January 12, 2021

From episode 1-6 search information on Star Wars Characters,ships,vehicles,planets,species, and the films. Find information such as Luke’s homeworld, Tatooine’s population, cost of a Star-Destroyer in credits, and more.



The plugin manager is located on the administration page. From the administration page in the left side bar click Plugins. From the top of the page click add new.

Install the plugin thru the plugin manager, or upload it as a zip file into the plugin manager.


There are two differant ways to use this plugin. It can be used in a Sidebar or placed directly into a post as a Gutenberg Block Object.


  • Customize Menu From the main administration page in the left sidebar hover your mouse over Appearance. Click Customize and then click Widgets. Then click on the sidebar that you wish to add the widget to. Then click Add a Widget. Find Search Star Wars in the list and click it. Type a title and then click done.

  • Widget Menu From the main administration page in the left sidebar hover your mouse over Appearance. Click Widgets and then a list of available widgets will be displayed on the page. Find and click Search Star Wars and then select the sidebar that you would like to add the widget to. Type a title for it and then hit done.

Gutenberg Block Object

  • As a post Create a post like you normally would and then click the + icon displayed to Add block. Find Search Star Wars to add the widget to the post. Type a title for the widget and then save the post.

Additional Info

No service calls are made to obtain the data needed to use this plugin, but the data used to create the «starwarsData.json» file was originally obtained thru, of which obtained the data from open sources such as wookieepedia.

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.