
Restrict Content Pro — Disable Subscription Upgrades

Don't allow your users to upgrade their current RCP subscription level.
Последние изменения
May 11, 2016
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This plugin will disable the ability to upgrade RCP subscription levels.

About Restrict Content Pro

Restrict Content Pro is a complete membership management system that allow site administrators a clean, simple way to restrict content to paid subscribers and collect payments from paying customers.

Disable Subscription Upgrades

Since Restrict Content Pro 2.5, members can easily upgrade between subscription levels at anytime by visiting their account page. When upgrading a subscription, the members purchase will be prorated based on the amount they have already paid and how long is left in their current subscription.

If you do not want your members to be able to upgrade their subscription levels, you just need to install this plugin. It will disable the subscription upgrades functionality for you.

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