The PPC Masterminds plugin is a utility plugin developed by PPC Masterminds to assist with dynamic content insertion into landing pages.
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January 12, 2021
PPC Masterminds

PPC Masterminds plugin helps you increase ppc quality scores, relevancy and conversion rates on landing pages by dynamically appending meta titles, descriptions and on page text (via shortcode) based on actual keyword search queries. It also has the ability to display a users approximate location by city or state.

To summarize, this plugin does the following:

  1. Appends meta titles and descriptions with paid search queries to increase quality scores. This feature currently works only in combination with either the All In One SEO or Yoast SEO plugins. No other SEO plugin is supported at this time.
  2. Dynamically changes text on any page to show paid search queries, using shortcode.
  3. Dynamically inserts closest city/state based on the user’s public IP address. This requires the use of Maxmind’s GeoIP extension.
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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.