Genereate random posts, users, taxonomies, etc, for your site. Special for site designers to test overviews, templates, and so on.
Последние изменения
October 23, 2019
Активные установки
Postem Ipsum

This plugin generates random content for your site. You can:

  • Select post type, taxonomy, term. Author can be selected or random.
  • Chosse number to posts or pages to create.
  • Paragraph long, ul, ol, and so on.
  • Featured images: coloured block images to check your templates. You can select a color or choose randomly. You can set width and height for the posts thumbnail.
  • Terms can be selected by the user, or choosen randomly.
  • Post Format Selection or Random
  • Woocommerce Products: If you have Woocommerce instaled, you can create random products, select range price, and so on.
  • Terms and categories: You can create terms/categories for the selected taxonomy.
  • Users: You can create users and asign a role. If Woocommerce is active, the plugin generates billing and shipping data.
  • Orders: For Woocommerce users, you can create random orders based in your Customer users.
  • Clean the dummy data: When you have the real data in your site, you can remove all the posts, products or users generated by the plugin pressing a simple button.
  • In new version 2.0.0, you can add random values for metaboxes. For now, we can add metabox values for single texts, textareas, colors, urls, dates, selects, checks and radios.
  • In new version 3.0.0, you can create activities and groups for Buddypress.

Please send all your suggestions in Support. We will be very grateful to receive your suggestions to make this plugin better and more useful every day

Активные установки
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