
Photo Sphere Viewer —Renders 360° panoramas shots

Photo Sphere Viewer is an amazing plugin that creates 360° panorama shots out of any kind of picture. This plugin supports any kind of panoramic file …
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January 13, 2024
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Photo Sphere Viewer —Renders 360° panoramas shots

Photo Sphere Viewer renders 360° panoramas shots with Photo Sphere, the new camera mode of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, and above. It also supports cube panoramas. It works with touch screens too!

This plugin is very easy to use and anyone can use it without any coding knowledge. You can embed any panoramic photos, and videos in Posts, Pages, Widget areas, and WooCommerce product pages. It comes with everything you need to make the most of your panoramic pictures.

You can use this plugin in two ways

* Using Elementor widget * Using WordPress default Shortcode

We will show you both ways of applying this feature in action.

= Using Elementor widget= 1. Inserting widget 2. Find the Photo Sphere Viewer widget from the widget menu and drag it inside the page. Content tab 3. The Content tab has the base settings for the layout of the content. There are two sections here.

=Content= Here, you can adjust the image height & width by the scrollbars on the top of the menu. There is a caption field below that. Then comes the Image field.

At the end of the section, you can see a field named Navbar where you can select from a number of specified options (download, fullscreen). You can see the chosen option at the navbar of the image. Controls

Go to Content> Controls The controls section has two parts. The Standard section has options for FoV (field of view), Zoom level, image dimension, and a bunch of switchers. Turning on/off these switchers will affect specific actions.

The Advanced section has speed controls for mouse, move, and zoom.

=Style tab= With the style tab, you can customize the appearance of the content by color, border, etc. Navbar

Here, you can change the color, typography, and alignment of the navbar.

Using WordPress default Shortcode

You can use Photo Sphere Viewer using the shortcode. For this, you don’t have to go inside the Elementor page editor, just the default Gutenberg page editor will do.

Open a page in Gutenberg editor and insert the Shortcode widget. Then insert the following lines: [photo_sphere_viewer] You can summon every function this widget has inside the specific commands in the shortcode. For example, if you want to change the caption, you have to insert this code: [photo_sphere_viewer caption=»This is new caption»] Similar to the command above, you can enter these texts below for the corresponding functions. image=»bdthemes-photo-sphere-viewer/assets/img/photo-sphere-viewer.jpg» caption=»New Caption» navbar=»autorotate,download,caption,fullscreen,…» width=»100″ height=»80″ min_fov=»30″ max_fov=»90″ default_zoom_lavel=»50″ default_longitude=»0″ default_latitude=»0″ longitude_range=»0″ latitude_range=»0″ autorotate_delay=»20″ autorotate_speed=»10″ fish_eye=»no» mouse_wheel=»yes» mousewheel_ctrl_key=»no» mouse_move=»yes» touch_move_two_fingers=»yes» capture_cursor=»no» move_speed=»1″ mouse_wheel_speed=»1″ zoom_button_increment=»2″ canvas_background=»#333″ Note: Use space before entering a new command. You can use any kind of image from any resource.

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