Connects Wordpress to the Order Wizard restaurant marketing system. Including online takeaway ordering, table booking and your gold club.
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July 12, 2017
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Order Wizard

This plugin connects WordPress to the Order Wizard restaurant marketing system. Including online takeaway ordering, table booking and your gold club.

Looking to grow your restaurant and takeaway business? Order Wizard finds and keeps more customers, and increases your average order value. Discover how this proven restaurant marketing system does the work for you to generate more profits.

Order Wizard is all about you, the restaurant owner. The marketing we do is for you and only you. It’s aimed at ensuring new customers find you and your regulars choose you when they dine out.

Order Wizard has proven itself with restaurants and take-away for over 10 years. Restaurants keep using Order Wizard because it delivers results.

Features include

Online Ordering and Online Table Booking Order Wizard includes a complete restaurant website design and development service as part of our integrated marketing and loyalty system. * Drive customers to your own mobile friendly, branded website * Fully responsive so works on all devices * Includes online table booking system * Includes online takeaway ordering system with “3-click reorderingTM” * ‘Smart Waiter’ increases online order value * Works with Gold Club loyalty system * Easy to update yourself

Marketing Order Wizard is a comprehensive restaurant marketing system that drives customers to your website, restaurant and takeaway. * Your own Facebook page * Regular customer emails * Customer birthday email offers * Comes with app * Facebook campagins * Google SEO optimization * Bespoke email campaigns – included

Loyalty System Looking for a restaurant loyalty system that works? Order Wizard has proven itself with restaurants and take-aways for over 10 years. * Restaurant keep using Order Wizard because it delivers results. * Proven loyalty system * Increased order value and profits * More frequent visits * Automated system so you don’t have to do anything * Includes ‘refer a friend’ system * Management dashboard * Easy to understand & use

Find out more about Order Wizard

Visit our website to find out more. * Features * Compare * Demos * FAQs * Blog * Contact

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