
Nine Dots Puzzle

The famous & inspirational 9-dot problem. Think outside the box!
Последние изменения
May 11, 2020
Активные установки

This plugin allows visitors of your website to solve the famous and inspirational Nine Dots Puzzle as an interactive 2D app. Here you can try it out yourself.


  • Works in pages, posts and text widgets
  • Fully customisable design
  • Simple usage via shortcode
  • Optionally display a custom hint to solve the puzzle


  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Visit Plugins > Add New and search for «Nine Dots Puzzle»
  3. Click on Install
  4. Activate the plugin from your plugins page.
  5. Insert the phrase [nine-dots-puzzle] (including the brackets) into your WordPress page, post, or text widget.
  6. Optionally, customise the puzzle by specifying some parameters. For example, [nine-dots-puzzle size=»300px» colour_background=»brown»] will insert the puzzle with the given size and background colour.

The following configuration parameters are available:

  • size: The width and height of the puzzle (Default: «250px»)
  • show_hint_button_after_round: The number of rounds after which a ‘hint button’ is shown (Default: «2»)
  • text_button_hint: The text on the hint button (Default: «Hint»)
  • text_hint: The hint that is displayed after clicking the hint button (Default: «Think outside the box.»)
  • colour_background: The background colour (Default: «rgb(0, 0, 128)»)
  • colour_neutral: The ‘neutral’ colour (Default: «rgb(153, 221, 255)»)
  • colour_success: The ‘success’ colour (Default: «rgb(0, 128, 0)»)
  • colour_fail: The ‘fail’ colour (Default: «rgb(179, 0, 0)»)
  • colour_face: The ‘face’ colour (Default: «rgb(255,217, 26)»)
  • colour_text: The text colour (Default: «white»)
  • colour_text_background_dark: The ‘text_background_dark’ colour (Default: «rgb(51. 51, 51)»)
  • colour_text_background_light: The ‘text_background_light’ colour (Default: «rgb(115, 115, 115)»)
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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.