
List Mixcloud

List MixCloud to show last or all podcast from MixCloud.
Последние изменения
October 18, 2021
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List Mixcloud

This plugin allowed to add MixCloud player. MixCloud is a online music streaming service that allows for the listening and distribution of radio shows, DJ mixes and podcasts, which are crowdsourced by its registered users.

If you want to view podcasts from your user account or another, this plugin is for you. This plugin needs no data except the name of the user for whom you want to view the podcasts : No need for login, password or API code If you want show your account, you must create an account on, that’s free.


[listmixcloud channel='EgliseEvangéliqueDeTOURS' widget='mini' playlist='1' mode='1' autoplay='1' style='Light' width='100%' hide_artwork='0'][/listmixcloud]

None of attributes are required.

  • Channel => Name of Channel that you want show : | EgliseEvangéliqueDeTOURS
  • widget => Type of MixCloud widget mini\classic\picture | mini
  • playlist => Show title list of audio instead of list of players. Show only one player
  • mode => Number of podcast to show. 0 to infinite, 1,2,… | 0=infinite
  • autoplay => Play automaticaly : 1 to auto, nothing or other to | 0=no play
  • Style => Style of MixCloud Widget : Light\Black | Light
  • width => Width in Pixel or % of widget. For Type «Picture» widget, that’s height&width | 100%
  • hide_artwork => Configure show of Artwork :0=show, 1=hide | 0=show

Modify height of «mini» & «classis» is not implemented in this plugin, but if you have need that, ask me.


In your Widget Tab, add List Mixcloud Widget and modify and save form under this widget.

That’s not official MixCloud plugin

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