
Media Cloud for Bunny CDN, Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean and more

Автоматическое сохранение мультимедиа на Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces и других. Размещайте ресурсы CSS/JS через CDN.
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April 9, 2024
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Media Cloud for Bunny CDN, Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean and more

Media cloud is a revolutionary plug-in for WordPress that will supercharge the performance of your website and radically transform the way that you work with media in WordPress.

Media Cloud works by moving your images, media and other files from your WordPress server to online cloud storage such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces, DreamHost Object Storage and many others. You can then serve that media through a CDN like Amazon Cloud front, Cloudflare, Fastly and others.

Beyond cloud storage, Media Cloud also has deep integration with Imgix, the leading real-time image manipulation and optimization CDN. Media Cloud is the first plugin for WordPress to bring the full benefit of what Imgix offers — simplifying your development efforts, reducing your site’s page load times and opening up creative options that simply haven’t existed until now.

Media Cloud также предоставляет улучшенные инструменты для редактирования изображений, которые позволяют обрезать, применять эффекты и фильтры, накладывать водяные знаки и другое.

ВАЖНО: Данный плагин требует PHP 7.1 или выше

Загрузите на S3, Cloudflare R2, Minio, Google Cloud Storage, Digital Ocean Spaces, DreamHost Object Storage и другие.

Автоматически копируйте загруженные медиафайлы в облако и отдавайте их напрямую с серверов вашего облачного провайдера, CloudFront или любой другой CDN.

Кодирование видео с Mux

Upload videos and encode them nearly instantly to adaptive bitrate HLS that plays back smoothly and beautifully on any device regardless of bandwidth. Requires an account with Mux.

Integrate with Imgix

Imgix will radically change the way that you build your WordPress sites and themes. This plugin is the best integration available for WordPress. Upload your images to S3 with our S3 tool and then host the media with Imgix, providing you with real-time image processing and automatic format delivery. Forget ImageMagick, Imgix is light years ahead in quality and speed.

Native support for Google Cloud Storage

Теперь поддерживает использование Google Cloud Storage для загрузок без необходимости использования совместимого с S3 от Google режима взаимодействия.

Автоматически проставляйте метки (теги), подписи и категоризуйте с Amazon Rekognition

Use Amazon’s latest AI tools to tag and categorize your images when uploading to Amazon S3. With Rekognition, you can automatically detect objects, scenes, and faces in images.

Advanced Image Editing

When integrating with Imgix, Media Cloud by ILAB provides the most advanced WordPress image editor. Alter contrast, saturation, vibrancy and over 30 other image editing operations — in real time right inside the WordPress admin interface! Completely non-destructive!

Image Cropping

Media Cloud by ILAB ships with the most advanced image cropping tool available for WordPress, based on Chen Fengyuan’s amazing Cropper plugin for jQuery.

Compatible With Leading Image Optimizers

Compatible with Short Pixel, EWWW, Smush and Imagify image optimization plugins!

  • Upload to any of a variety of cloud storage providers (Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, Google Cloud Storage, Minio, Backblaze, DigitalOcean Spaces or any other S3 compatible service)
  • Host your media directly from your cloud storage provider or specify a CDN
  • Integrate with Imgix media hosting
  • Use Amazon Rekognition to automatically tag and categorize images
  • Use third party cloud file providers that use S3 compatible APIs
  • Advanced image cropping tool
  • Advanced image editing with saturation, contrast, auto-correct, sharpen, blur and more (only when integrated with Imgix)
  • Автоматически импортируйте свои настройки из WP Offload Media и WP-Stateless

Premium Upgrade with Improved Support Options and More Features

  • Встроенная оптимизация изображений с использованием таких лидирующих сервисов оптимизации как ShortPixel, TinyPNG, Imagify и Больше не требуется никаких других сторонних плагинов, поскольку всё уже встроено в Media Cloud.
  • Улучшенная защита для закодированных видео и функциональный видеоплеер
  • Легко импортируйте уже существующие медиафайлы из библиотеки нажатием одной кнопки
  • WP-CLI support: Import your media library to the cloud, regenerate thumbnails and process your library with Amazon Rekognition using WP-CLI commands.
  • Direct uploads integrated directly into WordPress’s media library
  • Cloud storage browser that allows you to import media to your media library from the cloud
  • WPML, WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads integration
  • Blubrry Pod Casting, Ultimate Membership integrations
  • Push/pull your CSS and JS assets to the cloud and serve them from a CDN
  • Use Google Cloud Vision as a computer vision provider
  • Image size manager
  • Network level multisite support
  • и многое другое!

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