HLS Player is a lightweight HTTP Live Streaming player for WordPress, using video.js for easy embedding HLS videos into posts and pages.
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June 23, 2024

HLS Player Video Plugin: Streamline your WordPress with the definitive HLS video embedding solution. Powered by the acclaimed Video.js player, this plugin guarantees an exceptional viewing experience.

Key Features: * Effortless Integration: Embed HLS videos anywhere on your site with ease. * Adaptive Design: Provides a seamless viewing experience on all devices. * Universal Compatibility: Ensures full HTML5 support across all browsers. * Visual Appeal: Customize with video posters for an engaging look. * Instant Play: Auto-playback for immediate engagement. * Backup Options: Embed fallback videos directly from your media library. * Simple Installation: Get started quickly without complex configurations. * Performance-Focused: Lightweight build for fast site performance. * Modern Interface: Enjoy a sleek, watermark-free video player. * Versatile Playback: Supports a range of HTML5 video formats. * Accessibility Features: Include captions and subtitles for a wider audience. * Multilingual Support: Offers captions in various languages. * Designed for flexibility, the WordPress HLS Player Plugin simplifies embedding both local and external .m3u8 or .mpd HLS files. It’s tailored for both responsive and fixed-width layouts, ensuring a straightforward embedding process.

Elevate your WordPress site with the HLS Player Video Plugin – the pinnacle of professional-grade video streaming.

HLS Player Plugin Usage

To embed a video, create a new post/page and use the following shortcode:

[hls_player url="https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8"]

Specify the «url» parameter with the location of the HLS video package file. Supported formats include .m3u8 (application/x-mpegURL), .mpd (application/dash+xml), and .mp4 (video/mp4).

Video Shortcode Options

The shortcode supports the following options:

  • class: Define the Video.js player’s CSS class (Default: video-js). Additional classes listed at https://videojs.com/guides/layout/#classes [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ class=»video-js vjs-fluid vjs-16-9″]

  • width: Defines the width of the video player. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ width=»480″]

  • height: Defines the height of the video player. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ height=»264″]

  • controls: Specify whether video controls should be displayed (Default: «true»). Use «false» to hide controls. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ controls=»false»] When you disable controls, users will not be able to interact with your videos. So it is recommended that you enable autoplay for a video with no controls.

  • preload: Specify how the video should be loaded when the page loads (Default: «auto»). Options include «metadata,» «none,» and «auto.»

    • «metadata» — Load only the metadata of the video, which includes information like the duration and dimensions of the video. Sometimes, the metadata will be loaded by downloading a few frames of video.
    • «none» — Don’t preload any data. The browser will wait until the user hits «play» to begin downloading. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ preload=»metadata»]
  • autoplay: Cause the video to play automatically when the page loads. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ autoplay=»true»]

  • loop: Set the video to automatically loop back to the beginning and continue playing after it finishes. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ loop=»true»]

  • poster: Define an image as a placeholder before the video plays. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ poster=»http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/poster.jpg»]

  • muted: Specify that the audio output of the video should be muted. [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ muted=»true»]

  • captions: Add captions or subtitles to the video in multiple languages. Provide the captions in the format: "path/to/captions1.vtt|lang1|label1|default,path/to/captions2.vtt|lang2|label2". provide the lang in two character language code format. For example de-de, en-us [hls_player url=»https://example.com/external/xxxxxxxxx.m3u8″ captions=»path/to/captions-en.vtt|en-EN|English,path/to/captions-es.vtt|en-us|English|default»]

Get more advanced features with HLS Player PRO

AWS CloudFront Integration: => Global low-latency content delivery network support. => Secure videos with CloudFront Signed Cookies against unauthorized downloads. => Easy setup with step-by-step instructions for configuring CloudFront and signed cookies.

Subscription Management: => Seamlessly integrate aMember and WordPress roles for membership subscription management. => Restrict video access to active subscribers only.

Analytics Integration: => Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics support. => Track comprehensive video statistics, including playback duration and timing.

Streaming Optimization: => Convert .mp4 videos into .m3u8 streaming format effortlessly on Windows or macOS. => Converting and AWS S3 Upload script for Windows and macOS is also included. => Detailed step-by-step configuration and converting guides included.

Check out HLS Player PRO >

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