
Smart Hashtags [#hashtagger]

Allows you to use #hashtags, @usernames and $cashtags in your posts. #hashtags are automatically added as post tags. Highly customizable!
Последние изменения
April 16, 2024
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The Smart Hashtags Plugin allows you to use #hashtags, @usernames and $cashtags in your posts

This plugin uses the WordPress Tag system to automatically convert a #hashtag into a Post Tag. Each #hashtag is added as a «normal» tag (without leading hash) to the post, so it is fully compatible with existing tags!

Retired Plugin

Development, maintenance and support of this plugin has been retired in october 2023. You can use this plugin as long as is works for you.

There will be no more updates and I won’t answer any support questions. Thanks for your understanding.

Feel free to fork this plugin.


Просто введите текст в любом месте записи

#hashtag This adds «hashtag» as tag to the current post and on links to tag archive page for «hashtag» when showing the post.

+#hashtag Use +#hashtag to only link to a tag archive page without adding «hashtag» as tag to the post. When showing the post the link is showed as «#hashtag» (without «+»). If the tag does not exist the text remains unchanged and no link is created.

##hashtag Use duplicate ##hashes to tell the plugin that this word should not be converted into a tag. Duplicate hashes are replaced by a single hash when showing the post.

@username This creates a link either to the Profile Page or the Website of User «username». The usage of @usernames can be activated optionally. If the username does not exist the text remains unchanged and no link is created. It is highly recommended to use @nicknames instead of @usernames to enhance security.

@@username Use @@username to avoid link creation. When showing the post this is displayed as «@username» without link (@username feature has to be activated).

$cashtag This creates a link to the concerning stock symbol at MarketWatch, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance or StockTwits. The usage of $cashtags can be activated optionally. $cashtags link to the concerning stock symbol at MarketWatch, Google Finance or Yahoo Finance. Notice: stock symbols can not be validated, using a invalid stock symbol will cause an not found error on the target site.

$$chashtag Use $$cashtag to avoid link creation. When showing the post this is displayed as «$cashtag» without link ($cashtag feature has to be activated).

Безопасность WordPress

If you activate the @username feature it is highly recommended to use @nickname instead of @username!

Типы записей и типы разделов

It is possible to use #hashtags, @usernames and $cashtags on Posts, on Pages and on Custom Post Types within Content, Title and Excerpt. Activate only the Post Types and Section Types you want to be processed to avoid unnecessary processing for best performance.

Форматирование ссылок

Дополнительные классы CSS, которые можно добавить к ссылкам #hashtag и @username, можно настроить на странице настроек плагинов.

Отображение ссылок в интерфейсе пользователя

Опционально все символы (#, @, $) могут быть удалены из связей, сгенерированных в интерфейсе.

Display of Tags in front end

There’s an option to automatically add a hash symbol in front of tags (e.g. when using the Tag Cloud Widget).

Plugin Privacy Information

  • This plugin does not set cookies
  • This plugin does not collect or store any data
  • This plugin does not send any data to external servers

For developers

Вы можете использовать do_hashtagger( $content ) в ваших файлах тем, чтобы обрабатывать #hashtags и @usernames в $content.

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.