
GeeK! — Movie & Game Database

The GeeK plugin is a comprehensive tool for WordPress, enabling the creation of detailed movie and game databases.
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April 12, 2024
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GeeK! — Movie & Game Database

The GeeK! Movie & Game Database plugin is a comprehensive tool designed to assist in creating an intricate database encompassing a wide range of entertainment mediums, including TV shows, movies, games, actors, characters, game companies, and gaming platforms, among others. Integrated seamlessly with sites like IMDb and IGDB, this plugin enables you to construct extensive databases, significantly enriching the content of your WordPress site. It stands out as the most thorough Cinema and Game plugin available to date, offering unparalleled depth and flexibility in managing entertainment-related information. Whether you’re aiming to catalog every detail about your favorite films and games or provide a rich resource for your website visitors, the GeeK! Movie & Game Database plugin is your go-to solution for making your website a prime destination for entertainment enthusiasts.




  • Add movies and games through the GeeK interface.
  • Customize templates and settings to match your site.
  • Engage with your audience through interactive features.

Undocumented Use of 3rd Party Services

We permit plugins to require the use of 3rd party (i.e. external) services, provided they are properly documented in a clear manner.

Our plugin, GeeK, relies on third-party services under certain circumstances. These services are integral to the functionality and features offered by the plugin. However, we acknowledge the importance of transparency regarding the use of such services.

Service Details API Services

Youtube Video Player Embed

Vimeo Video Player Embed

Spotify Audio Player Embed

Dailymotion Video Player Embed

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Этот плагин можно скачать и использовать при автономной установке WordPress.