
External Linker

Allows you to get around using target="_blank" by converting all your outbound links using Javascript.
Последние изменения
August 9, 2009
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You know how target="_blank" is invalid in XHTML strict? Well, this plugin uses a Javascript hack to get around this. The code was originally taken from this thread I came across:

For posts/pages, the plugin will automatically captures any target="_blank"‘s inserted by the WP editor and modifies them to keep the page XHTML Strict valid. Then some small Javascript is inserted into each page which re-inserts target="_blank" so that the functionality is restored after your page has been validated!

For non-post/page content (eg templates/widgets), simply give your outbound links a class name of external, and the rest will be done automatically while keeping your page XHTML valid.

To Do

Future things I plan to add:

  • Integration into WP edit page to allow use of plugin without manually editing HTML.
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