
Corona Update

Corona Update WordPress Plugin to show corona current cases and more information about COVID-19. You will be able to show the relevant information: ca …
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August 23, 2021
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Corona Update

Corona Update WordPress Plugin to show corona current cases and more information about COVID-19. You will be able to show the relevant information: cases, today’s cases, deaths, today’s deaths, recovered, and critical on you website.

Main Features of Corona Update:

  • Corona World Live Statistic Update
  • Live Statistic WordPress Widgets Support
  • Live Statistic WordPress Shortcode Support
  • Live Statistic WordPress Elementor Support
  • Corona Awareness Popup
  • Compatibility with wordpress 5.4+
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CoronaVirus REST API v1.0

The CoronaVirus REST API returns the current cases and more information about COVID-19 or the Novel Coronavirus Strain. This API is free to use, and requires no authentication. The API returns JSON formatted responses. The API supports country-specific responses. The following parameters can be specified to retrieve relevant information: cases, today’s cases, deaths, today’s deaths, recovered, and critical.

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