Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

1,325 плагинов
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    Плагин Шорткодов для WordPress — Shortcodes Ultimate
    Автор Vova Anokhin
    Обширная коллекция визуальных компонентов для вашего сайта
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    MW WP Form
    Автор websoudan
    MW WP Form is shortcode base contact form plugin. This plugin have many features. For example you can use many validation rules, inquiry data saving, …
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    Display Posts - Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
    Автор Bill Erickson
    Add a listing of content on your website using a simple shortcode. Filter the results by category, author, and more.
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    Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything
    Автор Aakash Chakravarthy
    Create custom "Shortcodes" easily for HTML, JavaScript, CSS code snippets and use the shortcodes within posts, pages & widgets
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    Column Shortcodes
    Автор Codepress
    Adds shortcodes to easily create columns in your posts or pages.
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    Shortcode in Menus
    Автор Gagan Deep Singh
    Allows you to add shortcodes in WordPress Navigation Menus.
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    Woody code snippets - Insert Header Footer Code, AdSense Ads
    Автор Creative Motion, Will Bontrager Software, LLC
    Вы можете добавить код в header и footer, редактировать код PHP, работать с условной логикой (вставка видео, медиа-контента, текста, рекламы)
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    Advanced iFrame
    Автор Michael Dempfle
    Include content the way YOU like in an iframe that can hide and modify elements, does auto height, forward parameters and does many, many more...
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    Insert Pages
    Автор Paul Ryan
    Insert Pages lets you embed any WordPress content (e.g., pages, posts, custom post types) into other WordPress content using the Shortcode API.
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    Team Members
    Автор WP Darko
    A responsive and clean way to display your team. Create members, add their positions, bios (and more...) and copy-paste the shortcode anywhere.
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    Forget About Shortcode Buttons
    Автор Designs & Code
    A visual way to add CSS buttons in the rich text editor and to your themes.
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    Donations via PayPal
    Автор Tips and Tricks HQ, Johan Steen
    Easy, simple setup to add a PayPal Donation button as a Widget or with a shortcode.
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    Post Snippets - Custom WordPress Code Snippets Customizer
    Автор Postsnippets
    Create WordPress custom snippets shortcodes and reusable content and insert them in into your posts and pages.
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    Шорткод для текущей даты
    Автор Imtiaz Rayhan
    Вставьте текущую дату, месяц или год в любое место на вашем сайте WordPress с помощью простого шорткода .
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    The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block
    Автор Event Calendar Newsletter
    Add shortcode and block functionality to The Events Calendar Plugin, so you can easily list and promote your events anywhere.
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    Responsive Pricing Table
    Автор WP Darko
    A responsive and elegant way to present your offer to your visitors. Create a new pricing table now and copy-paste the shortcode anywhere.
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    Meks Flexible Shortcodes
    Автор Meks
    Add some cool elements to your post/page content with flexible shortcodes.
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    Tabby Responsive Tabs
    Автор cubecolour
    Create responsive tabs inside your posts, pages or custom post content by adding simple shortcodes inside the post editor.
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    Shortcode Widget
    Автор Gagan Deep Singh
    Adds a text-like widget that allows you to write shortcode in it.
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    Simple Map
    Автор Takayuki Miyauchi
    Easy way to embed google map(s).