Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

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13 плагинов
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    Razorpay for WooCommerce
    Автор Team Razorpay
    Start accepting payments in minutes with 100% digital onboarding & feature filled Razorpay payment gateway with the WooCommerce plugin.
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    Razorpay Quick Payments
    Автор Team Razorpay
    Allows you to easily sell things using Razorpay on your WordPress website.
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    Knit Pay
    Автор KnitPay
    500+ payment gateways knitted together to integrate with major WordPress Plugins.
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    Razorpay Payment Links for WooCommerce
    Автор Team KnitPay
    The easiest and most secure solution to collect payments with WooCommerce. Allow customers to securely pay via Razorpay (Credit/Debit Cards, NetBankin …
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    Razorpay for Gravity Forms
    Автор Team Razorpay
    Allows you to use Razorpay payment gateway with the gravity forms plugin.
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    Integrate Razorpay for Contact Form 7
    Автор Codolin Technologies
    Seamlessly integrates Razorpay with Contact Form 7
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    Razorpay Subscriptions for WooCommerce
    Автор Razorpay
    Allows you to use Razorpay payment gateway with the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. This requires Subscriptions feature to be enabled for your accou …
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    Razorpay Subscription Button Elementor Plugin
    Автор Razorpay
    A very simple elementor widget block native to the wordpress that lets you add a convenient button on your wordpress page.
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    Recurpay Subscription
    Автор Recurpay
    Recurpay is the answer to your customer retention game in the emerging era of subscriptions and recurring payments. (Short Description)
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    Razorpay Subscription Button Plugin
    Автор Razorpay
    A very simple block native to the wordpress that lets you add a convenient button on your wordpress page. This block is like any other wordpress plugi …
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    Camptix Indian Payments
    Автор India WordPress Community
    Simple and Flexible payment ticketing for Camptix using Multiple Indian Payment Gateway Solution
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    Sale with Razorpay
    Автор brainvireinfo
    Enables easy adding of products and integration of RazorPay payment method in the website
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    CampTix RazorPay Payment Gateway
    Автор WordImpress
    Razorpay Gateway Add-on for Camptix.