Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

32 плагинов
  • plugin-icon
    Reading progressbar
    Автор Jb Audras
    Индикатор прогресса чтения в виде полосы, которую моно разместить в разных местах: вверху, внизу страницы или где-то ещё, в различных шаблонах или типах записей.
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    Worth The Read
    Автор Well Done Marketing
    An adjustable progress meter showing how much of the post/page the user has scrolled through, and a read time commitment label near the post titles.
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    Image Slider Block
    Автор WPDeveloper
    Display Multiple Images In Beautiful Slider & Reduce Page Scroll
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    WP Reading Progress
    Автор Joeri van Veen
    Light weight fully customizable reading progress bar. Sticks to top, bottom or sticky menu, with fallback for small screens.
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    Donation Thermometer
    Автор Henry Patton
    Displays a fully customisable thermometer for tracking donations or any other goal.
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    Progress Bar
    Автор Chris Reynolds
    A simple progress bar shortcode that can be styled with CSS
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    Parallax Slider Block
    Автор WPDeveloper
    Create A Captivating Visual Experience & Impress Your Audience
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    Автор Bouncingsprout Studio
    Ultimeter - the Ultimate Progress and Goals Meter
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    Progress Bars
    Автор WPDeveloper
    Make your website interactive with stunning progress bar block.
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    Responsive Progress Bar
    Автор Rene Puchinger
    Shortcode for displaying a responsive configurable progress bar.
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    Social Share Block
    Автор WPDeveloper
    Enable one-click social sharing option to grow your audience
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    Kenzap Timeline
    Автор Kenzap
    A beautiful and easy customizable set of Gutenberg blocks to create timeline section for the new editor. Easily adjust the following parameters:
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    Progress Tracker
    Автор Alex Furr and Simon Ward
    Allow your users/students to keep track of their progression in your site. They can click a 'Completed' button on pages where tracking is ac …
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    WoW Progress
    Автор freevision.sk
    A widget that helps to display guild raid progress.
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    TDD Progress Bar
    Автор Taylor D. Dewey
    Configure and display any number of percent-complete progress bars.
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    Dave's Whizmatronic Widgulating Calibrational Scribometer
    Автор David Anaxagoras
    The Scribometer allows writers to track and display their writing progress in their sidebar.
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    Kenzap Steps
    Автор Kenzap
    A beautiful and easy customizable set of Gutenberg blocks to create steps section for the new editor. Easily adjust the following parameters:
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    Pretty Simple Progress meter
    Автор Mick Lauer, RicePirate
    Pretty Simply Progress meter is a clean and fun way to share your tracked progress on everything!
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    Juno - Progress Bar Block
    Автор Pono Press
    Progress bar block plugin with customizable circle, square and semi-circle shaped progress bars.
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    Post Reading Progress
    Автор Piotr Szarmach
    This plugin allows to display reading progress of single article using horizontal progress bar.