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10 плагинов
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    Coding Blocks
    Автор Simon Ugorji
    code block, syntax highlighter, code highlighter, editor, php, html, css, javascript, python, java, jsx, react, snippet, highlight, syntax, github, p …
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    Sunburst Code Prettify
    Автор Rachel Baker
    Uses Highlight.js with the Sunburst syntax theme to elegantly highlight code.
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    Автор Carter Fort
    Allows you to easily manage and display a rotating programming schedule. Useful for any kind of schedule that repeats weekly.
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    Plum Code Box
    Автор James Thompson
    Plum Code Box makes it easy to insert and manage code blocks using the Chili javascript syntax highlighter.
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    Run This!
    Автор Emmanuel Delaborde
    This plugin lets your readers run snippets of code directly from your blog.
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    مهندس محمدپور Pmpr
    Автор Pmpr Development Team
    مهندس محمدپور ارائه دهنده محصولات و خدمات با کیفیت تحت وردپرس. با نصب افزونه رسمی، محصولات و خدمات ما را مستقیما در پنل مدیریت وردپرس خود دریافت کنید.
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    Simple App Changelogs
    Автор peti446
    A Plugin to display a Changelog from an App, Plugin or anything else of what you want to have a changelog off!.
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    Автор Massimo Zappino
    WP-TagMyCode lets you embed TagMyCode snippets into your posts.
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    Автор Garry Pettet
    RBCode is a syntax highlighter and formatter for the REALbasic programming language. Syntax colours can be fully customised.
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    Possibly Related Recent Posts
    Автор Abu Ashraf Masnun
    Puts possibly related GAF projects at the end of each post.