Sitenizin özelliklerini eklentilerle geliştirin

Binlerce eklentiyle sitenize yeni işlevler ve entegrasyonlar kazandırın.

76 плагинов
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    LiteSpeed Cache
    Автор LiteSpeed Technologies
    All-in-one unbeatable acceleration & PageSpeed improvement: caching, image/CSS/JS optimization...
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    Автор Frank Goossens (futtta)
    Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.
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    SpeedyCache - Cache, Optimization, Performance
    Автор Softaculous Team
    SpeedyCache is a WordPress cache plugin that helps you improve performace of your WordPress site by caching, minifying, and compressing your website.
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    10Web Booster - Website speed optimization, Cache & Page Speed optimizer
    Автор 10Web - Website speed optimization team
    Увеличьте скорость работы вашего сайта с помощью 10Web Booster. Пройдите Core Web Vitals, оптимизировав HTML / CSS / JavaScript и изображения, грамотно используя ленивую загрузку, Кэш, Google Fon …
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    Aruba HiSpeed Cache
    Aruba HiSpeed Cache interfaces directly with an Aruba hosting platform's HiSpeed Cache service and automates its management.
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    Async JavaScript
    Автор Frank Goossens (futtta)
    Async Javascript lets you add 'async' or 'defer' attribute to scripts to exclude to help increase the performance of your WordPres …
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    Seraphinite Accelerator
    Автор Seraphinite Solutions
    Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.
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    WP Meteor Website Speed Optimization Addon
    Автор Aleksandr Guidrevitch
    2x-5x improvement in your Page Speed score. A completely new way of optimizing your page speed.
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    Autoclear Autoptimize Cache
    Автор Theme Surgeons
    Automatically clear Autoptimize cache if it grows larger then the allowed option.
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    Speed Booster Pack ⚡ PageSpeed Optimization Suite
    Автор Optimocha
    PageSpeed optimization is vital for SEO: A faster website equals better conversions. Optimize your Core Web Vitals metrics (CLS, LCP, TBT) today!
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    True Lazy Analytics
    Автор seojacky
    Этот плагин обеспечивает отложенную загрузку для Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Hotjar, Яндекс Метрики (Yandex Metrika) и счетчика Liveinternet.
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    RabbitLoader – Website Speed Optimization for improving Core Web Vital metrics with Cache, Image Optimization, and more
    Автор RabbitLoader
    RabbitLoader can get up to 100/100 PageSpeed score for your website, boosting search ranking by making the Core Web Vitals (aka Chrome UX report) heal …
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    WP2Speed Faster - Optimize PageSpeed Insights Score 90-100
    Автор Wp2speed
    WP2Speed ​​is a Google PageSpeed ​​Insights speed optimization plugin. Use it to speed up your WordPress site, improve SEO rankings, and reduce Google …
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    Core Web Vitals & PageSpeed Booster
    Автор Magazine3
    Core Web Vitals (CWV) is the new ranking factor
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    Helper Lite for PageSpeed
    Автор WP Booster
    Ускоряет Ваш сайт путём добавления к <img> и <iframe> атрибутов decoding=”async” & loading=”lazy”.
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    CSS JS Manager, Async JavaScript, Defer Render Blocking CSS supports WooCommerce
    Автор Pi Websolution
    CSS JS Manager, Async JavaScript, Defer Render Blocking CSS, Remove javascript, Remove CSS, Defer Render Blocking CSS, Both CSS and JS can be loaded A …
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    WordPress Менеджер скриптов и стилей, dequeue scripts, dequeue styles
    Автор Webcraftic
    Увеличьте скорость ваших страниц, отключив неиспользуемые скрипты (.JS) и стили (.CSS). Сделайте свой сайт РЕАКТИВНЫМ!
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    Preload Featured Images
    Автор WPZOOM
    Preload Featured Images automatically in posts to increase the PageSpeed Score.
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    Specify Missing Image Dimensions
    Автор WPHowKnow
    This plugin helps to add missing width and height attributes to images.
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    Автор JExtensions Store
    WPSpeed is the most complete, powerful and unique Wordpress plugin that is capable to optimize your website for Google PageSpeed and reach a score of …