Flexibilize os recursos do seu site com plugins

Adicione novas funcionalidades e integrações ao seu site com milhares de plugins.

29 плагинов
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    Email Subscribers by Icegram Express - Email Marketing, Newsletters, Automation for WordPress & WooCommerce
    Автор Icegram
    Add subscription forms on the website and send newsletters & automatically send post notification about new blog posts once it gets published.
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    Mailster WordPress Newsletter Plugin
    Автор EverPress
    Send beautiful newsletters from WordPress. Collect subscribers with signup forms, automate your emails for WooCommerce, blog post notifications & …
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    MailMunch - Grow your Email List
    Автор MailMunch
    The best free plugin to get more email subscribers. Beautiful opt-in forms that integrate with MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, Campaign Monitor a …
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    Автор Tribulant
    Newsletter plugin for WordPress to capture subscribers and send beautiful, bulk newsletter emails.
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    Laposta Signup Basic
    Автор Laposta - Roel Bousardt
    Laposta is a Dutch email marketing solution. This plugin can be used to load any of your Laposta lists and render its fields in a HTML form that can b …
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    Newspack Newsletters
    Автор Automattic
    Create email newsletters with the Gutenberg editor and distribute them with your ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, or Mailchimp mail …
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    Mailster Gravity Forms
    Автор EverPress
    Integrates Mailster Newsletter Plugin with Gravity Forms to subscribe users with a Gravity Form.
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    Simple newsletter
    Автор Sekineh Ebrahimzadeh
    Simple and custom newsletter that can use on any website.
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    WP Email Delivery
    Автор BrewLabs
    Simple, Easy to setup API based email delivery for WordPress. No SMTP needed!
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    Автор Félix Luján
    Suscripción del sitio web, para mandar emails cuando insertamos un nuevo post.
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    MailMojo Widget
    Автор Eliksir AS
    Adds a signup widget for a MailMojo mailing list to your WordPress site.
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    Easy Automatic Newsletter Lite
    Автор PillarDev
    Collect your blog posts for the past month and send them out at the top of a new month to subscribers. All automatically.
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    User Role Sync for MailPoet
    Автор Marcus Sykes
    Automatically syncrhonized lists for MailPoet based on user roles.
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    Apptivo Business Site CRM
    Автор Apptivo
    Create contact forms, newsletter signups, and customer testimonials, integrated with Apptivo.
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    MailChimp Importer
    Автор HitMyServer LLC
    Automatically import your MailChimp campaigns into your blog posts. Select an author and categories for your posts.
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    WP Sendy Newsletter Generator
    Автор Brent Wilson
    A simple, free Wordpress Newsletter Generator compatible with Sendy.co.
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    Gist for Elementor
    Автор Gist
    Simple plugin that integrates Elementor Pro form widget with Gist via API.
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    WPLO Survey
    Автор Edge Web Apps
    Connect Luminate Online surveys to WordPress without having to code- just enter the survey id and you'll get a shortcode to embed on your pages.
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    SendPress For WooCommerce
    Автор Jared Harbour (BrewLabs)
    Easy to use Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress to create, send, manage and track your Newsletters.
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    EDD Promo
    Автор cbfreeman
    Adds a customizable HTML emailer to your Easy Digital Downloads plugin.