Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

14 плагинов
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    Safe SVG
    Автор 10up
    Включите загрузку SVG и очистите их, чтобы остановить уязвимости XML / SVG на вашем сайте WordPress
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    WP Add Mime Types
    Автор Kimiya Kitani
    The plugin additionally allows the mime types and file extensions to WordPress.
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    File Upload Types by WPForms
    Автор WPForms
    Easily allow WordPress to accept and upload any file type extension or MIME type, including custom file types.
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    Disable Real MIME Check
    Автор Sergey Biryukov
    Восстанавливает возможность загрузки файлов в WordPress 4.7.1 и 4.7.2.
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    Lord of the Files: Enhanced Upload Security
    Автор Blobfolio, LLC
    This plugin expands file-related security and sanity around the upload process.
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    PJW Mime Config
    Автор Peter Westwood
    This plugin allows you to configure extra mime-types for support by the inline-uploader.
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    AP Extended MIME Types
    Автор Josh Maxwell (Ardent Pixels)
    This plugin extends the allowed uploadable MIME types to include a WIDE range of file types. Created specifically for WPMS...
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    Restrict WP Upload Type
    Автор Kushang Tailor
    This plugin is use for to allow and disallow different upload file Mime types to the Wordpress Media Library. Easy to use and flexible.
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    View Shortcodes
    Автор Kimiya Kitani
    The plugin is for displaying active shortcodes.
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    Add more files extensions
    Автор Arthur Lacoste
    Add more files extensions with a new field in your Medias Settings.
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    Correct Audio/Video Uploads
    Автор Sergey Biryukov
    Восстанавливает возможность загрузки аудио- и видеофайлов в недавних обновлениях WordPress.
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    Force text/xml as MIME-type in the feed
    Автор Sergi Ambel
    Forces 'text/xml' as content-type for your blog's feed
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    Media Mime Types
    Автор Andriy Kuzyk
    Allow control mime types and filter them in media page
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    Автор plocha
    Sends public sites with the XHTML mime type. The internal sites, which have many XHTML errors, are still sent with the HTML mime type.