Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

11 плагинов
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    The Dude
    Автор Kostas Vrouvas
    That, or His Dudeness… Duder… or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing.
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    Hello Darth
    Автор Adam McLane | @mclanecreative
    This little plugin is in homage to my geek friends who love to hate Lord Vader.
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    Hello Obi-Wan
    Автор W. Perry Wortman | @kloptikus
    Not just a plugin, but a symbol of hope for an entire generation summed up famously by Obi-Wan: These are NOT the droids you're looking for.
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    Howdy Against Humanity
    Автор Mitch Canter
    This plugin changes the "Howdy" in the top right corner to something much more fun (and sometimes irreverent).
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    Get Snarky
    Автор Andrew Norcross
    This is a simple 'replacement' plugin for the original Hello Dolly. A funnier one.
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    Автор Alexander Butyuhin
    Just plugin to remember zrada. Simple but flexible.
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    Article Displayer for The Daily WTF
    Автор Ethan Federman
    Displays the most recent Daily WTF article.
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    Note to Gibbs
    Автор Graphic Geek
    Display a random Note to Gibbs from author Pierre O'Rourke.
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    Random Joke (Bdihot.co.il)
    Автор Rami Y
    This plugin allows you to add random joke to your site using wordpress sidebar widget.
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    Demotivational Post
    Автор Darek Rycyk
    Demotivational Post widget add to your website new page with big collection of Demotivational Posters . All pictures hosting in http://demotivational …
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    Graceless Degradation
    Автор Dan Rench
    We hear about "graceful browser degradation" but who speaks for the other side? Give your IE6 visitors the experience their browser demands.