Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

14 плагинов
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    Deny All Firewall
    Автор Webd Ltd
    Blocks access to everything except genuine site content using .htaccess
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    Carbon Offset
    Автор Ari Stathopoulos (@aristath)
    Carbon Offset allows you to offset the CO2 emissions of your website, helping us build a better and more sustainable future for the web.
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    ClimateClick: Climate Action for all
    Автор ClimateClick
    Empower your customers to make their order climate neutral
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    Carbon Balance: Carbon calculation and offsetting for WooCommerce
    Empower your customers to make their order more climate Friendly
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    eGreen Web Meter
    Автор eGreen, Mauro Baptista
    Transform your website into a carbon neutral space.
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    Energy Saver
    Автор Stereo Agency
    Contribute to a better, greener Internet by saving your website's Energy consumption.
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    Online Leaf
    Автор Rune Jensen
    Integrates a standby engine to reduce the energy required to view the website when the visitors are inactive, to make your blog a Green Website.
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    WordPress Carbon Footprint
    Автор Sean Bluestone
    Carbon Footprint for WordPress
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    Автор Cyberway
    Another WordPress plugin with charts but with love for the earth in mind
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    Skeleton Shortcodes Collection
    Автор The Demoify
    Adds shortcodes to easily create columns in your posts or pages.
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    Автор Annesley Newholm
    NineCarrots embeds the local business mapping system in to your WordPress system
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    Автор Chris Vickio, Cool-er Green Widget Adaptation by RagingKitty.com
    The simple way to show what your reading on your Cool-er Green or e-reader.
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    ecycler Widget
    Автор Blendium
    This WordPress plugin simply adds a sidebar widget to display your ecycler badge.
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    Автор Star
    Simplest Google Analytics plugin. Add Google Analytics into the WordPress.