Plugins you need to get your projects done
27 плагинов
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    Автор Scott Evans
    Helper plugin that provides conditional functions for detecting a variety of mobile devices & tablets. Perfect accompaniment to CSS Media Queries.
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    If-So Динамическое Содержимое
    Автор If So Plugin
    Персонализируйте любое содержимое. Добавляйте или заменяйте любое содержимое в зависимости от профиля пользователя или его взаимодействия с сайтом без навыков программирования!
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    Elementor Element Condition
    Автор Liviu Duda
    Some elements in Elementor should not be displayed or must be displayed under certain conditions. Implement conditional logic on Elementor elements.
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    Elementor Forms Conditional Logic
    Show and hide fields. Send certain email, don't send others. Redirect to one of many pages. The possibilities are endless!
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    Block Logic - Full Gutenberg Block Display Control
    Автор Sascha Paukner
    Block Logic adds a "Block Logic" field to the block editor, that lets you show or hide any block based on conditions.
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    Composite Products - Conditional Images
    Автор SomewhereWarm
    Free mini-extension for WooCommerce Composite Products that allows you to create dynamic, multi-layer Composite Product images that respond to option …
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    Display During Conditional Shortcode
    Автор Gabriel Serafini (
    Provides ability to use a shortcode to show or hide content depending on time of day, expiration of a certain date, or on a recurring schedule.
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    Conditional Tags Shortcode
    Автор Hassan Derakhshandeh
    A shortcode to display content based on context.
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    If Shortcode
    Автор geomagas
    This plugin provides an "if" shortcode to conditionally render content.
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    GamiPress - Conditional Emails Recipients
    Автор GamiPress
    Add custom recipients on conditional emails.
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    ACF Conditional Logic Extended
    Автор Ivan Kancijan
    Display Field Group based on a field value from another group.
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    WordPress Conditional Content
    Автор superinteractive
    Allows you to use shortcodes as if statements in your content to display text only if certain conditions are met.
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    Extra Shipping Rates for WooCommerce
    Автор Viszt Péter
    Easily set shipping rates based on a variety of conditions to match your business requirements in your WooCommerce store.
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    Block Control
    Автор Epiphyt
    Block Control allows you to take control of all the blocks on your website. Tailor a unique experience for your visitors.
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    Conditional Stylesheets and Body Classes
    Автор Q Studio
    Add conditional browser stylesheets and body class declarations
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    WP Conditional Shortcodes
    Автор Tom Harrigan, John Leavitt
    Use conditional tags as shortcodes.
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    Controller Fields for Contact Form 7
    Автор AuRise Creative
    Hide or display content in your forms created in Contact Form 7 based on user selections!
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    Conditional Custom Fields Shortcode
    Автор Godfrey Chan (UBC OLT)
    Use custom field values in you pages or posts. With conditional supports which enables basic templating with custom fields.
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    Dynamic Content for WooCommerce
    Автор Fuji 9
    A WordPress plugin that allows you to show or restrict content based on the purchases a user has made.
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    Logic Shortcodes
    Автор Samuel Diethelm
    Use shortcodes for conditional logic based on post meta or taxonomy terms.