Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

16 плагинов
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    Audio Player with Playlist Ultimate
    Автор WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin
    Audio Player with Playlist Ultimate plugin is a jQuery HTML5 Music/Audio Player with Playlist comes with huge possibilities and options.
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    Gigs Calendar
    Автор Dan Coulter
    Manage and display a calendar of your gigs/shows/performances.
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    Musician's Pack for Elementor - Widgets and Templates for Music Websites
    Автор SmartWPress
    Build your own music website with Musician's Pack for Elementor, a complete Elementor package for musicians websites: Elementor widgets, professi …
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    ISTK Add-On
    Автор ISTK
    This plugin adds features for theme "ISTK Portfolio".
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    Simple Discography
    Автор Sébastien Batteur
    Simple Discography is a easy to use plugin that will allow you to manage the music tracks for an album or albums.
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    Beatport Discography shortcode
    Автор Federico Giust
    Wordpress plugin that adds a shortcode on posts or pages to read the artist discography using the Beatport API.
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    LabelGrid Tools
    Автор LabelGrid
    LabelGrid Tools is an advanced plugin for Record Labels, Artists, and Distributors that allow to showcase music releases with ease providing advanced …
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    Автор Dan Coulter
    Organize your discography; and offer downloads, streams and ways to buy your music.
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    Автор Tim Scheman
    ArtistPress provides a easy to use solution for bands, solo musicians and professional artists to convert WordPress into a robust tool to manage a pro …
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    WDES rtMedia Music
    Автор Anthony Carbon
    WDES rtMedia Music for your rtMedia, Buddypress needs.
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    DC Artists
    Автор G n D Enterprises, Inc.
    DC Artists is a simple plugin for creating a performing artist discography website.
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    Автор MistahWrite
    Organizes a portfolio of music, videos, and images on your blog/website with PayPal eCommerce.
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    Album Cover Finder
    Автор Urban Sanden
    Search for album covers, and use image as featured image, attachment or in post editor.
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    Автор B4uCode
    WP Artists Lite is a Music solution for WordPress. Perfect for a Band or Label Directory website.
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    Lieu.city - easily include the vr experience in your website
    Автор lieu-city
    The official LIEU.city plugin for WordPress
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    Q Events light
    Автор qanuk.io
    The Light Version of Q Events - simple publishing of events. More features on www.qanuk.io