Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

8 плагинов
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    Bulk Auto Image Alt Text (Alt tag, Alt attribute) optimizer (image SEO)
    Автор Pagup
    Auto optimize all image alt text (+ Woocommerce ), per page & product, from Yoast SEO / Rank Math optimization settings (keywords).
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    Bulk edit image alt tag, caption & description - WordPress Media Library Helper by Codexin
    Автор Codexin Technologies
    Add or edit or bulk edit image ALT tag, caption & description with one click straight from the WordPress media library to improve your SEO score.
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    Alt Manager
    Автор WPSAAD
    Alt Manager automatically and dynamically bulk change WordPress images alt text and also generate empty values.
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    Optimize Images ALT Text (alt tag) & names for SEO using AI
    Автор WPChill
    Bulk optimize images alt text (alt tag) & names for SEO using AI.
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    UF Health Require Image Alt Tags
    Автор UF Health
    Forces users to add an ALT tag when adding images to WordPress posts and more.
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    Auto Alt Text
    Автор Valerio Monti
    This plugin allows you to automatically generate an Alt Text for images uploaded into the media library via AI.
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    WP Auto Alt Image Tag
    Автор Kamer DINC
    (PHP Way) This plugin insert to html missing image alt tags/attributes based on each attachment title or filename.
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    Alt Attribute Audit
    Автор Matt Bevilacqua
    Displays a list of images in the media library without alt text, and an admin message reminding you to add it.