
Advanced Random Posts Widget

Provides flexible and advanced random posts. Display it via shortcode or widget with thumbnails, post excerpt, and much more!
Последние изменения
August 5, 2023
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Advanced Random Posts Widget


This plugin is no longer supported, please use Recent posts widget Extended instead.

This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and advanced random posts. It allows you to display a list of random posts via shortcode or widget with thumbnail, excerpt and post date, also you can display it from all or specific or multiple taxonomy.

Features Include

  • Allow you to set title url.
  • Display thumbnails, with customizable size and alignment.
  • Display excerpt, with customizable length.
  • Display from all, specific or multiple category.
  • Display from all, specific or multiple tag.
  • Display from all, specific or multiple taxonomy.
  • Отображение даты записи.
  • Display post modified date.
  • Типы записей.
  • Статус записи.
  • Allow you to set custom css class per widget.
  • Add custom html or text before and/or after random posts.
  • Multiple widgets.

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Shorcode Explanation

Объяснение атрибутов шорткода:

Основной шорткод


Отображение 10 случайных записей

[arpw limit="10"]

Display with thumbnail and set the size

[arpw thumbnail="true" thumbnail_size="arpw-thumbnail"]

Display posts based on category by id

[arpw thumbnail="true" cat="10"]

Отображение типа записи portfolio

[arpw post_type="portfolio"]

Here’s the full default shortcode arguments

title="" offset="" limit="5" post_type="post" post_status="publish" ignore_sticky="1" taxonomy="" cat="" tag="" thumbnail="false" thumbnail_size="arpw-thumbnail" thumbnail_align="left" excerpt="false" excerpt_length="10" date="false" date_modified="false" date_relative="false" css_class="" before="" after=""
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