
Traffic Post Page Views

Retrieves and displays the page views for each post by linking to your G-Analytics account.
Последние изменения
November 27, 2023
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Traffic Post Page Views

This WordPress plugin link to your G-Analytics account to retrieve the pageviews count for your posts.

Therefore you can easily use them and can include this in your blog for yourself or all of your visitors.

There are 3 ways to Add the most popular post on your website.

1) Widget => There is a widget to add Most visited post on your website.

2) Slider => There is an option to enable / disable slider and can set number of posts in wp-admin. Use below shortcode to add Slider. [tapp_get_latest total_post=\»Number of post you want to show\»]

3) Grid => There is an option to enable/disable Grid and can set the number of posts in wp-admin. Use below shortcode to add Grid. [get_latest_grid total_post=\»Number of post you want to show\»]

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