Adaptive Background is a plugin for extracting dominant colors from images and applying it to its parent like instagram story when we add image it wil …
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March 16, 2023
Adaptive Background

. * A JavaScript plugin for Adaptive Backgrounds. * Works in any browser that supports HTML5. * You can add any type of image to add adaptive background, * It will adopt image color to add same color background. * It is work like Instagram Story. When you upload any image on story line it will automatically adopt background color based on uploaded image.

Read about Shortcode:

[adaptive_backgrounds media_id=»6″ img_url=»»]

  • media_id (optional) : set media id of image that will use in frontend.
  • img_url (optional) : set direct third party url of image.
  • Note : You need to add only one option for image. If you use both options then it will display image url image.


  • Adaptive Backgrounds was inspired by
  • For plain HTML use :
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