Apostrophe 2

door Automattic

(Apostrophe 2 is a refreshed version of Apostrophe, with more features and added flexibility.)

When you’re looking to get straight to the point, Apostrophe 2 is the theme for you. Simple and clean, Apostrophe 2 shines in the little details: bold type, bright color, and big images.

Apostrophe 2 is a fully responsive magazine theme that’s a pleasure to read from any device. It offers clean typography paired with a modern design. Choose from a single-column layout, or make use of multiple sidebar and footer widget areas. Highlight your best posts to add variety and interest to your homepage, and showcase your social media links at the top of the page.

Getting Started

After activating Apostrophe 2, you can start customizing the theme under My Sites → Customize, where you’ll find the main customization options. You can change your background color, upload a Custom Header image, setting your Site Logo, or choose a Custom Menu to customize your site.

You’ll see your changes right away in the live preview, so you can play around with different elements until you get a look you like.

Under My Sites → Customize → Menus you can create Custom Menus for the Primary Menu and a Social Media Menu.

Primary Menu

By default, Apostrophe 2 will display a list of your site’s pages in the header. If you prefer, add a Custom Menu configured to your liking via Appearance → Menus.


Social Menu

Apostrophe 2 will display links to your favorite social media profiles in a secondary menu at the top of the page. To display them, set up a Social Links Menu.

Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu:

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Pinterest
  • Pocket
  • Polldaddy
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • YouTube

To create the image grid layout for your blog page, you’ll need to upload a Featured Image for each post. If you don’t upload a Featured Image, Apostrophe 2 will use the first image from the post. If you prefer not to have the first image in the post automatically displayed on the blog grid, visit the Customizer’s Content Options panel and uncheck the box next to “Automatically use first image in post.”

For best results, upload an image that is at least 930 pixels wide. Featured Images will be cropped to fit to the grid.

Apostrophe 2 includes four optional Widget areas: three in a sidebar alongside your content, and one area in the footer of your page.

The three widget areas in the sidebar differ only in background color and font size. The primary section uses a bright background to attract attention. This is a great place to put a newsletter sign-up form or some introductory text.

Three widget areas

The footer widget area is less prominent. Widgets in the footer area are stacked horizontally, so if you put a lot of widgets here, your page may get quite long.


The footer widget is a good place for Custom Menu widgets.

If you haven’t added widgets to the sidebar, Apostrophe 2 will act as a single-column theme.

Configure all Widget areas by going to My Sites → Widgets.

Up to six featured posts  – consisting of bigger images and titles – can be displayed in an irregular Featured Content grid above the rest of your posts.

To set up the Featured Content area:

  1. Navigate to Customize → Featured Content.
  2. Choose a word to use as your Featured Content tag and add it in the text field. We suggest using a lowercase, single word, like featured.
  3. Click the Publish button to save changes.
  4. Create at least a few posts. For each post you’d like to feature, use the Tags & Categories area of the editor to add the tag you chose under Customize → Featured Content.
  5. Add a featured image to each post you’re featuring.

Check out the full Featured Content setup guide and video.

Extra Post Styling

To add visual interest to text-heavy posts, Apostrophe 2 features special styling for blocks of text you’d like to emphasize.

EmphasisSwitch over to the HTML editor and wrap the content you want to emphasize with a CSS class of “emphasis”:

Emphasized text (or images) goes here!

Pullquotes can add extra emphasis to your text, and work particularly well if you’re using Apostrophe 2 as a single-column layout. To create a pullquote, just add a class of “pullquote” to any block quote, and the styling will automatically be applied.

<blockquote class="pullquote">
Here's your pullquote!

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. The main column width is 723.
  2. The Sidebar width is 274.
  3. Featured Images are 225 square and we recommend an image at least 450 by 450. In the case of Featured Posts, they’re 465 wide by 225 high and we recommend an image at least 930 by 450.
  4. Site Logo has a maximum height of 300.


personal, blog, events, fashion, clothing, travel, lifestyle, news, magazine, writer, school, listing, gallery, food

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