
X-Scroll To Top – Responsive

"X-Scroll To Top - Responsives" plugin will add a scroll up button bottom center of your website. It came with bunch of custom option.
Laatst bijgewerkt
February 4, 2020
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X-Scroll To Top – Responsive

**X Scroll to top plugin makes the scrolling of a page easier. It appends an icon at bottom of the page which attracts user attention. When the user click on this button

it smoothly scrolls to the top of Webpage. X Scroll To Top plugin offers custom settings flexibility which no other plugin have. It is a simple scroll up plugin just

with 4 option but it has ability to fulfill all needed about scroll up button.

Features: 1. 15 Different scroll up icon 2. Custom icon size 3. Custom Circle or border radius option 4. Unlimited icon color 5. Unlimited icon background color option 6. Unlimited icon hover color 7. Unlimited icon background color 8. Custom Scroll up icon position 9. Fully responsive design 10. Custom scroll up position for mobile & tab 11. Add option for hide notice in mobile version

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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.