
WP Job Manager - Tags

Tag jobs with required skills, interests and technologies, show jobs by tag, and add tag filtering to the main jobs shortcode.
Laatst bijgewerkt
June 28, 2024
This extension gives you the option of tagging your jobs with whatever tags make the most sense for you, for example with required skills or technologies the applicant should be adept in. The tags are then displayed on your job listing and can be displayed outside of jobs adverts as tag clouds using a simple shortcode. Job seekers can filter job lists by tags they are interested in, allowing them to more easily find jobs that are relevant to them. This can be done via a tag cloud shown within the jobs shortcode. They can toggle multiple tags on or off providing an advanced search. The Job Tags add-on lets you tag your job listings with things such as required skills or technologies the applicant should be adept in, terms related to your listing and more. These tags are displayed on your job listing, and can also be listed in tag cloud format using a simple shortcode. That’s as easy as adding job_tag_cloud to your content. Job seekers will be able to filter jobs by tags they are interested in via a tag cloud shown within the jobs shortcode. Make it easier for job seekers to find jobs they're interested in.  
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