This plugin manipulates your images while uploading and helps to content creators for making more lighter and more original/unique images.
Laatst bijgewerkt
February 14, 2020
Actieve installaties
WP Image Filters

Compatible with the most image compression plugins. Some manipulation methods for example;

  • Flip image
  • Watermark

more effects and filters will be available soon.

Requirements – PHP 5.6+ – GD extension – You have to be sure your php webp support enabled for webp image support

Note: Don’t use “flip image” effect with images which has some text on it. Your text may become unreadable.

Note: Every single upload will be effected after you enable the plugin. Please remember that.

Note: There is no way to restore images if you don’t like the results. Please, always test it, before use it. Use it with caution. Be sure you have recent backup.

Credits Logo : FlatIcon Banner photo : Marko Blazevic

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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.