

The WCSociality plug-in makes it possible to add a rating to the page or record of the system, a button of the likes and the question "Was the ar …
Laatst bijgewerkt
October 18, 2017

The WCSociality plug-in makes it possible to add a rating to the page or record of the system, a button of the likes and the question “Was the article useful?”. All elements work through ajax-requests, without reloading the page.

Add blocks to the page can be selectively, i.e. you can add 1, 2 or all at once. Depending on the tasks.

Use this function for display on the page rating – the_wcs_rating(); Use this function for display on the page like – the_wcs_liker(); Use this function for display on the page useful – the_wcs_useful();

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Getest tot
Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.