
WC Continue Shopping Options

Most of the time as a Shop owner we always want to direct the customer at right place whenever customer is at Cart page to show related products or pr …
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April 17, 2019
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WC Continue Shopping Options

Most of the time as a Shop owner we always want to direct the customer at right place whenever customer is at Cart page to show related products or products with maximum profit. So with this plugin we have different options available at dashboard so we can direct the customer at right place. We have these options available:

– Homepage – Shop – Most recently visited Product – Most recently visited Category – Your own custom link

== Installation ==1. Upload the folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress3. Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> General ( Please Check : Redirect to the cart page after successful addition ).

  1. Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> WC Continue Shopping Options to change options available at cart.
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