Testimonial Review plugin is a simple tool to display your customer's feedback on your WordPress website.
Laatst bijgewerkt
December 30, 2023
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Testimonial & Review

Testimonial Review plugin is a simple tool to display your customer’s testimonials on your WordPress website. You can use any type of feedback to make a testimonial with the author’s name, photo, company logo, and a URL to the client’s website.

Plugin Features

  • Modern & Creative Design
  • Clean Code.
  • Seo Friendly.
  • Responsive Layouts.
  • Unique 15+ Styles.
  • Unlimited Testimonials Anywhere.
  • Easy Testimonial Option Page.
  • Display Testimonial By Single or Multiple categories.
  • Choose Multiple Categories.
  • Testimonial Type (Grid, Slider, Filterable, Masonry, etc).
  • Testimonial Order By (Publish Date, Order, Random).
  • Testimonial Order (Descending & Ascending).
  • Show/Hide Testimonial Title.
  • Testimonial Title Font Size.
  • Testimonial Title Font Color.
  • Testimonial Title Text Transform.
  • Testimonial Image Style(Round or Square).
  • Testimonial Title Font Style(Normal/Italic).
  • Testimonial Name Font Size.
  • Testimonial Name Font Color.
  • Testimonial Name Text Transform.
  • Testimonial Name Text Style(Normal/Italic).
  • Testimonial Hide Designation.
  • Testimonial Designation Font Size.
  • Testimonial Designation Font Color.
  • Testimonial Designation Text Transform.
  • Testimonial Designation Text Style.
  • Testimonial Company URL Color.
  • Testimonial Company URL Font Size.
  • Testimonial Hide Rating Icons.
  • Testimonial Rating Icons Color.
  • Testimonial Rating Icons Size.
  • Testimonial Items Background Color.
  • Testimonial Content Text Color.
  • Testimonial Content Text Color.
  • Testimonial Grid Type(Default/Filterable).
  • Testimonial Grid Style(Default/Masonry).
  • Testimonial Grid Column(2,3,4,5,6).
  • Testimonial Total Items Display.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Position(left/Right/Center).
  • Testimonial Filter 3 Menu Style.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Text Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Background Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Hover Color.
  • Testimonial Filter Menu Hover Bg Color.
  • Testimonial Slider Autoplay Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Auto Hide Mode Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Centered Mode Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Slide Delay Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Stop Hover Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Autoplay Time Out (Sec) Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Items No Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Items Desktop Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Items Desktop Small Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Items Desktop Mobile Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Items Loop Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Items Margin Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Navigation Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Navigation Position Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Navigation Color Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Navigation Hover Color Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Navigation BG Color Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Navigation Hover BG Color Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Pagination Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Pagination Color Option.
  • Testimonial Slider Pagination BG Color Option.
  • Testimonial Slider 4 Pagination Style.
  • Testimonial Slider 2 Pagination Position.
  • Touch & Swipe Enable.
  • No Coding Required.
  • Easy Documentation.
  • 24/7 dedicated support.
  • And much more!

Testimonial Available fields

  • Title.
  • Description.
  • Full Name.
  • Designation.
  • Company Name.
  • Company URL.
  • Star Ratings.
  • Image Upload.
  • Testimonial Category.
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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.