
Super Zoom Gallery

Yet another gallery plugin. I was looking for a simple gallery where you can
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September 7, 2014
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Yet another gallery plugin. I was looking for a simple gallery where you can select a thumbnail, see the complete picture in a acceptable size but also have the oppertunity to see the details of the image. I searched the web for a way to do this and found the AnythingZoomer, a jQuery Plugin by Chris Coyier. I originally used this jquery plugin for this WordPress plugin.

In version 0.5 the plugin was completely re-written. The generated HTML is completely different, the JavaScript was re-designed and the CSS was created from scratch. Also inner zoom was introduced.

It works well for e-commerce sites like webshops or as a photo gallery.

It is easy to adapt if you would want to, but the default behaviour should be very much usable by anybody.

There is a settingspage to customize the images used and wheter or not to over- write the default gallery shortcode.

If you want to use this gallery, simply use the [superzoomgallery] shortcode in your post or page, or enable the overwriting of the gallery shortcode and use the default wordpress [gallery] shortcode in your post or page.

Since this is still an early version, I recommend to test it out first before taking it to a production site.

If you have any questions or problems, I would be happy to hear from you and help you if I can!

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