Allows you to submit posts, and custom pots, from frontend.
Laatst bijgewerkt
June 23, 2023
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Submit Content

The most comprehensive Plugin for User-Generated Content!

Enable users to submit posts from the frontend of your website.

Submit Content is a free and open source WordPress plugin maintained by bharat thapa that allows users to submit posts and custom posts from frontend of the WordPress website.

Submit Content is a free and open source WordPress plugin, and will be fully supported and maintained as long as is necessary.

At a glance, this plugin allows the following:

  • Administrators can choose whether only logged in users can submit content or site visitors as well.
  • Notify admin via email whenever a post or custom post is submitted by the user.
  • Protect form from spams and bots by implementing Google’s reCAPTCHA V3 service.
  • You can choose what form fields to show in the frontend from plugin settings page.
  • Use the shortcode tag in post, page or widget to allow users to submit content.

    [submitcontent id=”1″]

Core Features

  • Includes a fast & secure post-submission form
  • Display forms anywhere via shortcode or template tag
  • You choose which fields to display on the form
  • Receive email notification alerts for submitted posts
  • AJAX for better user experience
  • Rich Text Editor experience in the frontend form

Form Features

  • Google reCAPTCHA: v3 (hidden recaptcha)
  • Stops spam via input validation, captcha, and hidden field
  • Option to require users to be logged in to use the form
  • AJAX for better user experience
  • Rich Text Editor experience in the frontend form

Submit Content is simple to use and built with clean, secure code via the WordPress APIs!


User Data: Submit Content enables users to submit post content. It collects data only from users who voluntarily submit content via the Submit Content form.

Cookies: No cookies are used for any purpose in this plugin.

Services: This plugin provides an option to enable Google reCaptcha, which is provided by Google as a third-party service. For details on privacy and more, please refer to official documentation for Google reCAPTCHA. No other outside services or locations are accessed/used by this plugin.

Gratisop Creator abonnement
Door te installeren, ga je akkoord met de Servicevoorwaarden van en de voorwaarden voor plugins van derden.
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Getest tot
Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.