Simple Price Calculator is a WordPress plugin that can transform any html based form into a price calculation form. You can
Laatst bijgewerkt
March 16, 2018
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Simple Price Calculator

Simple Price Calculator is a WordPress plugin that can transform any html based form into a price calculation form. You can use it to provide instant price quotes or estimates on products and services for your visitors. A total can be displayed dynamically within your page.

  • Simply create a form, setup a few attributes and the form is ready to go!
  • Ability to add checkboxes and radio buttons
  • Easy to customize
  • Premium version of plugin includes e-mai functionality, form tag generator, ability to add multiple fields together and more!

Premium versie

Als je meer mogelijkheden wil download de Premium versie. Het heeft de mogelijkheid om html elementen te gebruiken, tevens de mogelijkheid een e-mail formulier te genereren met uitgebreide details

Click here for more information


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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.