Arrange, re-order, and sort your categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
Laatst bijgewerkt
September 14, 2016
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CGD Arrange Terms

WordPress doesn’t have a native way to control the order of taxonomy terms. CGD Arrange Terms allows you to sort your categories, tags, and other taxonomy terms with a simple drag-and-drop interface. Re-ordering your terms has never been easier!


  • Adds a separate sorting table, so no modification of WordPress native tables required
  • Low-level sorting means FAST performance and compatibility with themes and plugins without modification!
  • Drag-and-drop interface makes sorting ridiculously easy.
  • Light-weight. In fact, the main plugin file is only 150 lines!


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Version History

Version 1.1.3

  • Fix bug with WordPress 4.6. Maintains compatiblity with pre-4.6.
  • Fix a couple of warnings.

Version 1.1.2

  • Fix critical bug with new installs that prevents re-ordering terms that have not previously been ordered in older plugin versions.

Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed accidental shorthand PHP open tag which breaks the admin page in some environments.

Version 1.1:

  • Complete rewrote plugin and renamed to CGD Arrange Terms.
  • Added support for all taxonomies and terms.
  • Still works with Shopp 1.2.x and 1.3.x!
  • Removed Shopp shipping and payment gateway sorting, as this is really a pretty bad idea.
  • No longer modifies wp_terms table (and undoes past modification) (WARNING: This could cause problems if you were running Shopp Arrange / Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order simultaneously, as these two plugins used the same column name and technique)

Version 1.0.4:

  • Switched required capability for category ordering to allow Merchant role to arrange categories.

Version 1.0.3:

  • Fixed issue where empty categories cannot be arranged.
  • Minor cleanup.
  • Thanks to Peter Wooster for suggesting these enhancements.

Version 1.0.2:

  • Rewrote Shipping sort code to actually, you know, work.

Version 1.0.1:

  • When using shipping option order override, now defaults to new first shipping option.
  • Added additional check to prevent settings page injection from happening where it isn’t welcome.

Version 1.0:

  • Initiële versie.
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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.