
RW Super Slider

RW Super Slider provides owl slider for custom post type as well as custom images
Laatst bijgewerkt
May 12, 2017
RW Super Slider

RW Super Slider is build based on Owl Carousel a popular JavaScript slider library using it you can create unlimited custom post type slider or posts slider or page slider and banner image responsive slider. It provides shortcode and widget functionality. Using shortcode and widget, you can easily add slider in anywhere in your site such as sidebar, post, pages and custom post types. It has very easy UI for slider creation and configuration. It gives numbers of configuration options that makes this plugin awesome in compare to other slider plugin. RW Super Slider is developer friendly because it has lots of hooks to extend features. Using these hooks you can customize slider as you wish.

link to view demo.

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Door te installeren, ga je akkoord met de Servicevoorwaarden van en de voorwaarden voor plugins van derden.
Getest tot
Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.