
ReCaptcha JS Alert

ReCaptcha JS Alert provides the [recaptcha-js-alert] shortcode, which (if necessary) informs visitors of your website that a form requires JavaScript …
Laatst bijgewerkt
April 3, 2024

A lightweight WordPress plugin providing the [recaptcha-js-alert] shortcode which may be used to display a notification text box if JavaScript required by reCAPTCHA is being blocked.

Next to the notification message text and the delay allowing to load the reCAPTCHA JavaScript code, the plugin offers configuration of background and foreground color, as well as the font size. Further customization can be achieved by means of custom CSS snippets.

The shortcode allows its configuration being overridden by the following parameters:

  • message: The notification message text
  • style: Custom CSS for displaying the message text
  • delay: The delay (in milliseconds) allowing the reCAPTCHA JavaScript code to load
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Getest tot
Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.