The Most Advanced Invoice Plugin you were looking for! Create HTML/PDF Invoices of WooCommerce Orders, Attach PDF Invoice to Mail and Let customers do …
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June 14, 2024
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PeproDev Ultimate Invoice

The Most Advanced Invoice Plugin you were looking for! Create HTML/PDF Invoices of WooCommerce Orders, Attach PDF Invoice to Mail and Let customers download beautiful-customizable styled invoices.

**Ultimate Invoice plugin for WooCommerce!**

Create customizable PDF/HTML invoices for WooCommerce, attach to Email, Packing Slips, Shipping Labels, Shipping Tracking, Single-shop feature and … This plugin lets you to Generate Awesome Invoices for WooCommerce orders and:

  • Download PDF invoices
  • Email Styled Invoices
  • Attach PDF to WC Emails
  • Attach PDF to Invoices Emails
  • Restrict Invoices Options
  • Full Invoice Customizations
  • Make your own Invoice Template
  • Make your own PDF Invoice Template
  • Make your own Inventory Report Template
  • Make your own Packing Slips Template
  • Alter plugins via Action/Filter hooks
  • and …..

Hot Features since Version 1.4 🔥

Made by Developers for Developers

  • Github Wiki
  • Over 190 Filter Hook
  • Over 15 Action Hook
  • Fully Translatable
  • Nice and Human Readable Variable Names
  • Separated Classes for Different purposes
  • Templates for HTML Invoice (tpl, css)
  • Templates for PDF Invoice (tpl, css)
  • Templates for Email Invoice (tpl, css)
  • Templates for Inventory Report (tpl, css)
  • Templates for Packing Slips(tpl, css)
  • Change Email Sending Settings (from, name, and …)
  • Preserve email template style even in Gmail!
  • and ….

Invoice Items filtering

  • Show / Hide Store National Id
  • Show / Hide Store Registration Number
  • Show / Hide Store Economical Number
  • Show / Hide Customer Address
  • Show / Hide Customer Phone
  • Show / Hide Customer E-mail
  • Show / Hide Order Date
  • Show / Hide Payment method
  • Show / Hide Shipping method
  • Show / Hide Transaction Ref. ID
  • Show / Hide Product Image
  • Show / Hide Product Purchase note
  • Show / Hide Order Items
  • Show / Hide Order Total
  • Show / Hide Product Weight
  • Show / Hide Product Dimensions
  • Show / Hide Product SKU
  • Show / Hide Order Note
  • and ….


  • Quick Shop Feature ( Purchase all products in one page )
  • Visual Composer Widget
  • Pre-order Invoices Status
  • Built in DARK MODE Support (Auto, Manual)
  • Disable WC Modern Dashboard
  • Date parsing templates
  • Jalali/Shamsi Date formats numbers?
  • English, Eastern Arabic and Persian Numbers style
  • RTL-ready
  • Automated Email sending system
  • Fully Woo-commerce integration
  • and …

Made by love in Pepro Development Center.

Pepro Dev is a registered trademark of Pepro Co.

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