License: GPLv2 or later License URI: Display a list of most viewed wooCommerce products in Admin and on the …
Laatst bijgewerkt
October 4, 2020
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Most Viewed Products for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Product sorted by view count and Display a list of most viewed wooCommerce products in Admin and on the frontend.

Most Viewed Products widget, shortcode, and admin display list of products which are most viewed

Major features in Most Viewed Products for WooCommerce include:

Admin: * After installed and Activated plugin merchant can view the “Most view Product” option in WooCommerce * Backend Setting Merchant can manage a number of products to be displayed in admin. * The merchant can sort the list of most view product by title, View count and Amount.

Frontend: * Shortcode and Widget use for display the most view products. * Shortcode [zwcmvp], [zwcmvp limit=”10″] to display the most viewed products inside page/post content. * Shortcode can be used anywhere throughout the site to display the products. * limit variable parameter can be used with shortcode. * A widget has option for view the number of products

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