
Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce

Flexible PDF Coupons - Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce - plugin to design and sell PDF gift cards, vouchers, or coupons in your store.
Laatst bijgewerkt
June 26, 2024
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Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce

Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce – plugin you can use to design, sell and send by e-mail gift cards, vouchers or coupons in PDF format.

WooCommerce gives you the possibility to use discount coupons in your store. Now, you may let your customers buy such gift cards – with WooCommerce coupon on it, right in your store. Such gift cards and vouchers may be also sent as a gift.


PDF Gift Cards, Coupons, Tickets, Vouchers for WooCommerce

  • PDF gift cards are using WooCommerce discount coupon system,
  • PDF tickets voor online en lokale evenementen,
  • PDF vouchers for your local business (beauty salon, florist’s shop, gym, and many others).

You may also design and then sell in your WooCommerce store any PDF products that fulfil your business scenarios!

Why to add gift cards in a store

  • Offer your customers a new way of shopping experience and buying vouchers for gifts. And boost your sale today.

  • You can sell your PDF gift cards and vouchers in minutes after installation. Find out how this plugin is easy to use!

  • You may use a gift card with a WooCommerce coupon for both Simple Product and Variable Product!

  • Let your customers decide for themselves depending on their needs by creating different prices for gift cards.

  • And last but not least, send PDF coupons automatically to your clients based on WooCommerce order statuses.


Where to use gift cards


Cadeaubonnen en cadeau waardebonnen worden vaak gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld in winkels met:

  • clothes, shoes, or fashion in general
  • cosmetics, perfumes
  • eten voor bezorging, boodschappen, gezond eten
  • sportartikelen en accessoires
  • digitale producten, boeken, e-books, games, VOD content, abonnementen
  • diensten: cosmetica, cursussen, trainingen, taxiritten, cursussen, tips
  • huis- en tuinapparatuur
  • zoologische artikelen, RTV apparatuur en huishoudelijke apparaten
  • reservering van plaatsen, reizen en transportdiensten
  • bloemenbezorging en incidentele cadeaubonnen
  • en nog veel meer

Laten we enkele functies in detail bekijken die de Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce plugin je standaard biedt.


Grafische editor voor cadeaubonnen in WooCommerce

  • Gebruiksvriendelijke, verslepen grafische editor,
  • Design an unlimited number of coupon templates,
  • Add your own graphics and images to PDF gift card templates,
  • Set up coupon size. You can choose predefined A6, A5, and A4 sizes,
  • Define your own coupon background,
  • Use alignment lines to position your content,
  • Take advantage of layers.
  • Support for various fonts defined in the plugin,
  • Predefined headings,
  • Changing of font size,
  • Changing of font color,
  • Changing of text alignment,

Support for free shortcodes for gift card templates

  • Coupon value,
  • Coupon code

In the PRO version, you can choose whether your voucher is to be sent directly to clients, or a buyer can choose the email address of the coupon recipient. You may also use additional shortcodes and PRO settings listed below.

PRO shortcodes for gift card templates

  • PRO Product name,
  • PRO Coupon expiry date,
  • PRO Customer name,
  • PRO Customer address,
  • PRO Recipient message,
  • PRO Recipient email,
  • PRO Recipient name,
  • PRO Site URL.

In de Pro versie kun je ook je extra aangepaste shortcodes maken en gebruiken

Upgrade naar PRO →

Settings for the Coupon – Edit Product Page

You may customize PDF gift cards – coupons using these options at the Edit Product Page for a PDF Coupon.

  • Expiration time – you may set the number of days that the gift card – coupon is valid (7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 360 days, never or a custom value),
  • Free shipping – allow using the voucher for purchase that will include free shipping (combined with the chosen WooCommerce shipping methods that require the use of such a coupon),
  • Conditions for the coupon – choose a product (products) and/ or a category (categories) in WooCommerce that the pdf voucher will work for.

Extra PRO instellingen

You may enable fields on the product page to personalize your Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce even more with these additional fields and options.

  • PRO Recipient name field on the coupon product page,
  • PRO Recipient email field on the coupon product page,
  • PRO Message field on the coupon product page,
  • PRO Allow to multiuse – a voucher can be used several times,
  • PRO definieer aangepaste productvelden
  • PRO Set the coupon expiry date format,
  • PRO Enable to add PDF coupons as email attachments,
  • PRO Coupon fields position on the product page (above, below the Add to Cart button),
  • PRO Set the coupon code prefix, suffix, and number of random characters,
  • PRO Add order numbers to the coupon code,
  • PRO Define own coupon codes for each product,
  • PRO Custom settings for individual variation (template, expiration time, and other conditions),
  • PRO Uitschakelen van e-mailmeldingen voor ontvangers,
  • PRO Additional filter options for coupons,
  • PRO Always use the regular price of the product for the coupon value,
  • PRO Show tooltips for fields in PDF Coupon products,
  • PRO toon teken teller onder tekst gebied.

If you would like to enhance the free version of the plugin, upgrade to PRO now →


Please visit the official documentation of Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce to learn more about the plugin’s features and settings.


We bieden beperkte ondersteuning voor de gratis versie in het plugin Support Forum. Koop een PRO versie om prioritaire e-mailondersteuning en alle e-commerce functies te krijgen.

Upgrade naar PRO →

Premium Live Demo

Je kunt Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce (gratis en PRO) en al onze plugins testen in een gratis demo.


The Flexible PDF Coupons – Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce plugin is available in:

You may help us translate the plugin.


In the future, we plan to add the following features to the plugin to make your work with gift cards even more flexible:

  • Coupon use limitation,
  • Bewerkbare e-mail inhoud,
  • Templates of coupon codes.

Als je vragen hebt over deze functies of je hebt andere interessante ideeën – laat het ons weten! 🙂

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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.