
F4 Shipping Phone and E-Mail for WooCommerce

Adds fields for e-mail and/or telephone to the WooCommerce shipping address.
Laatst bijgewerkt
April 2, 2024
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F4 Shipping Phone and E-Mail for WooCommerce

F4 Shipping Phone and E-Mail for WooCommerce does exactly what the name says. It adds (often needed) fields for e-mail and/or telephone number to the shipping address. Here are a few things the plugin does:

  • Adds e-mail and/or telephone field to the shipping address checkout form
  • Adds e-mail and/or telephone field to the edit shipping address form
  • Adds e-mail and/or telephone field to the edit order backend page
  • Shows e-mail and/or telephone field in privacy data export
  • Erases e-mail and/or telephone data if privacy erase is requested
  • Shows e-mail and/or telephone field in orders (thank you page, email etc.)
  • Full integration into the PayPal payment gateway


This plugin works out-of-the-box. By default, the settings from the billing address are used for both fields (e-mail = required and telephone = required, optional or hidden, according to the billing address settings).

You can change the settings for both fields on the Accounts & Privacy screen in your WooCommerce settings. Both fields you can hide or set to optional/required.

Features overview

  • Adds e-mail and/or telephone fields
  • Works without configuration
  • Can be configurated for both fields
  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight and optimized
  • 100% free!

Planned features

  • Full integration into API and REST
  • Compatibility check for other popular payment gateways
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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.