Emotify is a smart reaction and re-engagement tool for web publishers to capture diverse audience emotions and add emotional intelligence to the websi …
Laatst bijgewerkt
November 4, 2016
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Emotify Reaction Plugin

Emotify is a smart and easy to use reaction and re-engagement tool for web publishers, news websites and bloggers to connect and engage with their audience emotions and delight them with a very personalized experience. Consider it a smart Facebook reaction system for your website.

Emotify includes three key components:

  • Emotify Reaction: A smart and easy to integrate widget to seamlessly capture on-page audience reactions.

  • Emotify Re-engage: An integrated tool to recommend stories based on user\’s current mood to re-engage them.

  • Emotify Analytics: An analytics system to provide emotional intelligence about the website along with key metrics.

Benefits of using Emotify on your website

Connect with your audience emotions Emotify is the most human way of connecting with your audience and a way to leave a long lasting impression.

Personalize your audience experience Emotify adds personalization to your website and makes it way more interesting, interactive and engaging for your audience.

Measure emotional impact of your website You’ve always been wondering about the impact of your website on your audience emotions. Now measure it for real.

Improve website metrics with better engagement Emotify boosts some key metrics of your website such as page views, content visibility, audience interaction and read time.

To know more about Emotify visit our website

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